We optimists sometimes get a bad rap, usually accused of being naïve, stupid, or most commonly, “unrealistic.” On the contrary; I would say that optimists are extremely realistic. They see things as they are — as they exist.
• I know what it’s like to be fired.
• …have a spouse cheat on me.
• What it’s like to be betrayed in public—blindsided by those who I thought I could trust.
There have been some seriously dark nights of the soul for the sunny, rose-tinted bespectacled person pictured above.
Optimists, however, rather than focusing on the worst parts of any situation, turn their thoughts to the best possible scenario. Optimists are able to harness their imaginations toward positive outcomes. From these observations come lessons, and these lessons generate action, which calls into being a new future.
Imagining requires a willingness to tap into possibility thinking and an understanding of potential energy. When you see or experience anything in particular, understand that you are comprehending a limited amount of information. You are limited by your perspective. Outside of your perspective exist other options, other tools and other outcomes.
Furthermore, optimists seldom spend or waste time on regret or blame, as both of these represent drains on energy. Regret is a time sink, because no energy spent on it can change the past. Blame disempowers the blamer, hindering their capacity to change things. I’m going to let you in on a secret:
All creators are optimists.
So the next time you’re faced with a disappointment, I would recommend that you not focus on what’s missing. Focus on what you have. That is the seed for your next step.
You got this!
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