At the turn of the year, I ask you to take stock of everything that is going WELL in your life right now. If you’re having a difficult time thinking of anything, here’s one thing to consider: if you can read this, you have access to the internet and the ability to read. This isn’t my attempt to “doom shame” you, and it isn’t meant to minimize the extreme suffering experienced by millions of people this year.
However, it is an invitation for you to shift your energy.
Here’s an exercise: When you feel as though you are at the end of your rope, think of the times you’ve overcome a difficult situation in the past. For example:
• I can remember taking naps on the tops of the desks in the editorial offices of my college paper. At the time, my oldest daughter was a little over a year old. I had no car and was living with my mother in a farmhouse in Iowa. In between classes, I can remember clearing the desks, pushing them together, balling up my back pack for a pillow and using my coat as a blanket.
• I can remember stocking shelves at a Redken distributorship. Possessing a degree and a marketable skill, I can remember feeling like a failure for doing what appeared to be a dead end job. Eventually, I became one of their sales people, opening up and developing a route that would not only build my network, but provide a transition to a better paying job in a different industry.
• I can remember meeting a friend for a poetry reading, when I had literally less than $1.00 to my name. I was three months’ behind on rent, facing eviction, and didn’t see any options for employment on the horizon. At intermission, she looked into my face and could see that I was scared and troubled. After asking me what was wrong, she rooted through her handbag, handed me a packet of peanuts and told me she would coordinate a GoFundMe in order to help bring me current on rent.
During each of those situations, my life experienced a pivot.
Consider this: Every time something is taken from you in life, you are also given a lesson. If things are scary for you right now, I’m asking you to pay attention to the light. The light is where your solutions will reveal themselves. If you can’t see the light, ask God/Source/The Flying Spaghetti Monster/Your Higher Self to show you where it is, and then pay attention to where your focus goes.
Don’t forget:
• I’m so glad you’re here.
• Your now isn’t your always.
• Better days are coming.
Simply by reading this far, you’ve already cultivated the space to change. You got this!
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