FOMO and Imposter Syndrome belong to the same insecurity family. If not twins, they’re at least figurative siblings. Both are based on and fueled by a scarcity mindset — the fear that there is only so much to go around. • FOMO, also known as Fear Of Missing Out, is the feeling that somewhere someone is having more fun, more success, greater relationship satisfaction — something BETTER than what you are experiencing at the moment. Consider FOMO as a light…..
NOTE: Today’s blog is an excerpt from my book, Circuit Train Your Brain/Daily Habits That Develop Resilience. Writing this book has given a chance to review my relationships and people whose lives have intersected with mine. Your friends fall into different categories, with most of them joining you on your journey for a season or a segment of your life. Very few people have life-long friends, and that’s okay. Friends appear in our lives as mirrors or support for our…..
Over a decade ago, I established a nonprofit that awarded cars to women in transition, based on my personal experience as a single mother on welfare. When my eldest daughter was 4 months old, since I didn’t have a car, a friend drove me back and forth to college, dropping me off at the burger joint across from campus two hours before classes started. I would take naps on the tables of the editorial offices of the college paper, juggling…..
When I moved to Chicago, I noticed that I gravitated to the color orange, using it for furnishings, throw pillows and linens throughout my apartment. Orange symbolizes energy, vitality, cheer, excitement, adventure, warmth, and good health. In retrospect, I find it interesting that these are the feelings needed to start over in a new town. Perhaps my subconscious was my interior decorator? Color theory, in general, fascinates me. Have you ever considered the subliminal effects of color on mood? What…..
I was walking along at a pretty good clip, a quarter of the way through my daily walk around the neighborhood when our paths crossed. Almost clear of the driveway, I caught, out of the corner of my eye, a sedan barreling my way. Its pilot blissfully unaware that I existed, her hair the same shade of blue as her car, she backed out onto the street probably thinking of a million things that she needed to accomplish that day……
Today I’m going to share with you a little bit about the background of the establishment of the nonprofit I established, and a little bit about what it’s like to take risks. By way of illustration, I’ll share with you two different quotes from two different people about the same type of thing. The first quote: If you are anyone who has ever tried something new, or you are an entrepreneur, you’re probably familiar with the quote “The Arena.” When…..
“When you’re stuck in a spiral, to change all aspects of the spin, you need only to change one thing.” — Christina Baldwin This is good to know, especially if you are mid-spin in your life right now. Most of us fall into this category, because life is change, and change involves chaos of some sort. Chaos always accompanies change; it is only a matter of to which degree. Accepting that chaos will always be present actually makes it easier…..
One of my favorite movies of all time features a trampoline, a creepy arcade carnival mechanical soothsayer and one of the most romantic songs ever recorded, Moonlight Serenade. The movie’s protagonist, Josh Baskin, trapped within his prepubescent prison, yearns to be Big. Isn’t that a common yearning for us all when we launch our businesses, projects and organizations? Don’t we all wish that we had unlimited budgets, plush offices in some groovy building and an ability to dominate the market?…..
Just in case you needed to hear this today, it’s okay to be selfish. Women, in particular, are conditioned to be givers, peacemakers, feather-smoothers, and people pleasers. Most, if not all of these expectations are based on the sentiment that it’s not good for women to be selfish, or that being selfish is bad. The messaging is so relentless and pervasive that it’s easy for the distinction between selfish and self care can be difficult to ascertain. Some random thoughts…..
“What do sad people have in common? It seems they have all built a shrine to the past and often go there and do a strange Wail and Worship. What is the beginning of Happiness? It is to stop being so religious like that.” — Hafiz Human behavior fascinates me. It’s probably what attracted me to advertising in the first place. Divining and then driving behavior is a never-ending, evolving symbiotic relationship. Whether advertising is arbiter or mirror of human behavior…..