FOMO and Imposter Syndrome belong to the same insecurity family. If not twins, they’re at least figurative siblings. Both are based on and fueled by a scarcity mindset — the fear that there is only so much to go around. • FOMO, also known as Fear Of Missing Out, is the feeling that somewhere someone is having more fun, more success, greater relationship satisfaction — something BETTER than what you are experiencing at the moment. Consider FOMO as a light…..
When I moved to Chicago, I noticed that I gravitated to the color orange, using it for furnishings, throw pillows and linens throughout my apartment. Orange symbolizes energy, vitality, cheer, excitement, adventure, warmth, and good health. In retrospect, I find it interesting that these are the feelings needed to start over in a new town. Perhaps my subconscious was my interior decorator? Color theory, in general, fascinates me. Have you ever considered the subliminal effects of color on mood? What…..
Just in case you needed to hear this today, it’s okay to be selfish. Women, in particular, are conditioned to be givers, peacemakers, feather-smoothers, and people pleasers. Most, if not all of these expectations are based on the sentiment that it’s not good for women to be selfish, or that being selfish is bad. The messaging is so relentless and pervasive that it’s easy for the distinction between selfish and self care can be difficult to ascertain. Some random thoughts…..
In honor of Random Acts of Kindness Day, today I’ll share a few ways you can show kindness in your every day life. At their essence, manners are the recognition and respect of self in other. When we use good manners, we are actually acknowledging our own worthiness of being treated well and with respect. In so saying, I of course realize that not everyone practices good manners. There are many rude (and psychologically wounded) people walking the planet. Whenever…..
Over the past few months of Quarantine Life, the concept of ‘things as tether’ has floated across my consciousness more than once. For starters, being housebound while the rest of the world is essentially at a standstill gives you a lot of time inside your home. For another, the concept of “quaran-cleaning” gives you an opportunity to determine what you really need in your life. Contemplating the usefulness and true value of what you own is actually a gift. Two…..
Today is National Peanut Butter Day. Nut butters in general are excellent sources of protein and brain-friendly fats. I usually take a few Justin’s packets with me on flights just in case I’m delayed in an airport or on the tarmac. I’ve also created a nutritious and delicious toast topping that I keep in the refrigerator at all times. I make it in small batches, storing it in a plastic, half-cup-sized container so that it stays fresh and in it’s…..
It has been a terrible, deadly year. Every year brings its share of death, poverty and sadness, but 2021 has been a catastrophic time for almost all of us on this planet. Not only has the death and pain been so widespread, it didn’t have to be this way. It was made possible and exacerbated by the cowardice and greed of a handful of people who valued financial wealth above the lives of millions of their fellow human beings. I…..
Do you ever wonder why some people seem to bounce back after misfortune and crises while others don’t? There are a myriad of reasons, some of which are 100% beyond their control (genetic luck, geographic random location), but some things are not only controllable, but can be cultivated. Your happiness set point can be determined by many things, but these four things represent major areas: • Financial cushion • Health — mental, spiritual, physical • Community • Family These are…..
One of my life coaches suggested that I use my blog as a tool to teach other people how to notice the beauty in the world. Recognizing beauty in unusual places is one of the ways you can reset your Happiness Set Point®. Above is an image I shared on my Instagram, paired with the following caption: “I was starting to see that what looks like garbage from one angle might be art from another. Maybe it did take a…..
For a few years now, I have watched in horror as my country implodes through a self-inflicted massacre. Doomscrolling on Twitter hasn’t helped. If you’re really interested in watching my brain unspool in real time, it’s all still there. Twitter is a way that I process things. As a way to stave off the negativity, positive-thinking clichés cascade through my head. I use them as mental pitons to stabilize my thoughts as they spiral downward. Stabilize they must, because at…..