Periodically on this blog, I’ll share a journaling prompt designed to help you dig through the mental matter bouncing around your head. Not all of these exercises may seem applicable, but chances are good they will. I’ll repeat the following introduction before each exercise, because there may be people joining the process at different points of the process. INTRO: Journaling is a way to engage the subconscious mind and to allow your inner wisdom to float to the surface of your…..
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the feelings of loneliness many of us have been experiencing (even we introverts who are more comfortable than most with being alone). Sending out an S.O.S. can be difficult for everyone, but it’s especially difficult for “strong” people. I speak with authority on the subject, because I’m generally someone that many consider a strong and resilient person. Spoiler alert: there are occasions when I absolutely need help. Today, I’ll share a few of the reasons…..
Faith isn’t faith if you know what the outcome will be. We’ve discussed in previous posts the importance faith has when developing resilience in life. Whether expressed as comfort with flux; or taking a managed risk, you must be willing to take a leap of faith in order to reach your goals. Many times, my point of reference is the movies. When I think of ‘leaps of faith,’ one of the most vivid examples I can think of is from…..
Periodically on this blog, I’ll share a journaling prompt designed to help you dig through the mental matter bouncing around your head. Not all of these exercises may seem applicable, but chances are good they will. I’ll repeat the following introduction before each exercise, because there may be people joining the process at different points of the process. INTRO: Journaling is a way to engage the subconscious mind and to allow your inner wisdom to float to the surface of your…..
What is the secret to success? That’s the $64,000 question, isn’t it (BTW, adjusted for inflation it’s equivalent to the purchasing power of about $642,853.73). From the dawn of time, people have been trying to figure out how to succeed, usually via the quickest and most painless route possible. For example, depending on the source cited, Americans spend between $18 and $40 billion (that’s with a B) on diet and weight loss aids each year. “How to Succeed in Business…..
Did you know: Happiness is a state of being that you can adjust, like a thermostat on your wall. Everyone is born with a pre-determined Happiness Set Point®. Some of us have a higher setting, while some of us are natural-born Eeyores. The good news is that you have the power to change yours, regardless of the external circumstances in your life. About four and a half years ago, I got my heart broken, but good. It took me three…..
Oh happy day—my feather lampshade arrived today! I spray-painted the base of a lamp I’ve had for over 10 years and updated the look with a gorgeous shade covered with multi-colored feathers. It sits in the direct path of my line of sight when I step into my apartment. Want to change your life? Add happiness to each day? Make sure that you are seeding your environment with things that make you smile. Every time I see this lampshade, I…..
When your life is topsy-turvy and upside town, consider it as an opportunity to start afresh or perform course correction. Dr. Seuss is a master of the whimsical, so today, I thought I’d share some of my favorite quotes of his. I was born with a congenital heart defect, and so I spent a LOT of time in hospitals until I had, at age five, the final open heart surgery operation, Tetralogy of Fallot, that corrected my malformed ticker. With…..
If you’re reading this, chances are good you support individual creators, be they writers, painters, dancers, or musicians. You probably buy things on etsy, at indie bookstores, or try to buy local when you can. You understand the value of supporting independent business people and artisans. But you also probably have a household spending plan and there are usually more small and independent creators that you’d like to support than your dollars can support. Here, then are three easy ways…..
Each of us is a reflection of the people we choose to allow in our orbit. It’s a premise that certainly isn’t new, as you are probably familiar with the phrase, “birds of a feather flock together,” or the quote from motivational speaker Jim Rohn: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” One thing that’s consistently true: our self-esteem and feelings of worthiness are directly related to those who we spend time with…..