How many of you are good at giving compliments? How many of you are good at graciously accepting them?
If you’re like most people, it’s easier for you to give a compliment than it is to receive one. Know this: when you minimize or refuse to accept a compliment, you are insulting the giver and telling yourself that you are not worthy.
Am I being harsh? Nope.
As a writer, I love words. I love how words convey meaning, mood and power. The nuance of words affects how you feel and how you think. The very word we use to describe the arrangement of letters to create a word invokes magic: “spell.”
Take for example the following: Amble, stroll, stride, mosey and perambulate. All of these words can be used to mean “walk,” yet each conveys a different meaning. Those nuances are picked up subliminally and interpreted through the lens of the subconscious. In a similar way, the words we tell ourselves affect our self-esteem. The words we hear affect our self-worth.
You may have a soundtrack currently running through your head that is full of demeaning or negative words.
“I’m stupid.”
“I always screw up.”
“I’m worthless.”
“I’m ugly.”
Imagine each of those phrases as a cosmic chisel, whittling away your self esteem and worth. The good news is, you have the power to change those words.
By changing the words you use to describe yourself, you can reshape your life. It sounds like moonbeams and fairy dust — magical thinking. You may think that I’m an idiot. You may think that I have no idea what you have to deal with or what your specific situation is at the moment.
But I’m not an idiot, and changing your life via the words you speak is entirely possible. I know for a fact that when you change your words, you change your life. As a Happy For No Reason® certified trainer, I can also teach you how to reset your Happiness Set Point®. There are scientifically-proven methods for changing the amount of joy and abundance you attract into your life.
Understand this: You are magnificent. The fact that you exist is, in and of itself, a miracle. Of all the configurations in the universe, your atoms arranged themselves in perfect alignment to produce you. Running through your veins is the same element from which the Eiffel Tower is made: Iron.
You are strong.
You are beautiful.
You are a wonder.
Do us both a favor: for the next week, every morning, when you wake up, please say two sentences out loud:
“Thank you for this day.”
“I am a miracle.”
Let me know how it works.
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