Once upon a time, there lived a little girl named Molly who dwelt in the land of Scarcity and Impatience. Although she lived in a safe and snug brick home, surrounded by tall, leafy trees and had a magical grandmother who was able to produce meals from a seemingly empty refrigerator, Molly was afraid that she would never have enough. She also was compelled to control things, believing that not only did that give her power over outcomes, but that…..
My daughters now range in age from 27-32 years old, but back in the 1990s when the internet was new, a parenting exercise with them helped me earn a free year of detergent. Social media was called message boards in those days (I sound like Abe Simpson and his onion rope belt), …and I submitted a parenting tip that won our family a free year’s worth of a leading detergent brand. With three little kids, the soap came in handy,…..