Do you ever wonder why some people seem to bounce back after misfortune and crises while others don’t? There are a myriad of reasons, some of which are 100% beyond their control (genetic luck, geographic random location), but some things are not only controllable, but can be cultivated.
Your happiness set point can be determined by many things, but these four things represent major areas:
• Financial cushion
• Health — mental, spiritual, physical
• Community
• Family
These are four major categories. Within each are a number of other subcategories that contribute to your capacity to withstand disruption. Take a moment to answer the following:
1. Do I have enough financial cushion to make the choices about my life that I really want to make?
2. Is my body operating at its peak?
3. Am I sad more than I am happy?
4. Do I have a network of people who care about me and my welfare?
5. Is my family a source of positive energy or do they drain me?
These five questions represent the beginning of building your happiness muscles. Of the five, which one made you flinch? Which one stands out? That response is an indication of where your work begins.
Using these five as an example, I’ll pick number three. In order to move the needle from sad to happy, start breaking things down into choices you make every day.
1. Check your mood. Do I have any inherited chemical or health-related conditions that influence my mindset (alcoholism, depression, ADHD, bipolar etc). If so, am I seeking any professional help for these issues? If you aren’t, make steps to do so. If money is a factor, search for free or income-scaled options.
2. Do I do something every day that gives me joy? This can be as simple as listening to music that shifts your mood. There are clips on YouTube with brain-wave altering music. Drinking your coffee using a certain mug may make you smile. Your “happiness foundation” is built on thousands of small “joy bricks” that you construct through daily choices made consistently.
3. What am I eating? This is related to the health question, but if you are eating poorly, it’s going to be reflected in your mindset. Just as putting milk in a car’s gas tank will negatively affect its performance, if you put garbage into your body, you will feel like crap. Even when I was using food stamps, I chose the best food options I could, because I wanted to keep myself strong enough to get out of that situation as fast as possible.
4. Am I exercising? Again, this is connected to the health question, but your happiness can be directly linked to your physical activity. It has been scientifically proven that something as small as a 20 minute walk can elevate your mood. If walking outside is not an option, dance in your kitchen. Move that body. Get some endorphins going.
These are small examples of making deposits in your happiness bank. You are worth it. Take the time each day to make a positive change, and you’ll find that your ability to react to life’s roller coaster has improved.
Ready to change your life? Join me in a HFNR Reset Session — in just one hour, you’ll learn:
• How to reset your Happiness Set Point®
• The reasons most people are unhappy
• A simple life-changing habit
• A scientifically-proven exercise you can
use at any time to shift your mindset
You’ll also receive customized support materials, a FREE ebook, and so much more! Register NOW for exclusive, limited-time sessions to get your FREE Happiness Assessment®, IMMEDIATELY.
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NOTE: I am not a doctor. I’m a woman who has lived through more than her share of crappy life experiences and is still here to tell the tale. Please consult a professional if you are in need of additional help or resources. They’re out there.